
What is a Data Fabric

A data fabric is the zetaris way of stitching together diverse, disparate datasources and datasets across different plaforms (cloud, onpremise, edge etc) . The main components in a Fabric are :

Physcial Datasources

Are Non-Relational datasources based on physical files like csv,json or based on external RESTful API’s.

Logical Datasources

Logical datasources are traditional relational datasources.One can connect any remote database as a ogical datasource.

Data Fabric Builder

Is where we register all datasources and build data fabric

What is a Schema store

It is the repository of all relational schemas within datasources. It also enabe us to build relational logical views and datamarts on top of exsisting objects.

Schema Browser

Help you to navigate the schema store. Different objects within a schema store are :


Are databases build in lightning under the physcial datasource in data fabrics.


Are the registered logical datasources in the data fabric

Data Marts

Data marts are the virtualised equivalent physical datamarts, where no physical copy is made for setting them up.


Just like nomral views, with the adon that you can create create views across different datasource and cache them.